Thursday 4 July 2013

Days 16, 17, &18

It has been a while since I've updated the blog.  I'll condense a few days into one entry, since the days were very interrelated, and were spent doing a lot of the same processes, multiple times.  Here goes:

Days 16, 17 and 18 were mostly spent putting in linings for the top and the bottom of the guitar to be glued against, which add structural support to the guitar's body.  This included bending strips of basswood to the right shape, four times over.  I find bending to be challenging, sometimes- it definitely takes some getting used to.

Once the basswood linings were bent to the proper shape/form, I clamped two in at a time, without glue, to check the seams where the basswood met the rosewood.  Once everything looked good, and I was sure there were no gaps, I applied glue to each side of the 2 linings, and glued them into place. 

The clamping of 2 linings
I didn't glue them flush with the tops of the sides, but roughly 2.1mm below, to accommodate the top of the guitar.  I used nearly 50 clamps to keep them secure, and then waited about 45 minutes before removing the clamps to scrape away the glue squeeze-out.  I then did some planing, to make the sides nice and flush, and had to carve the linings, as well.  While the gluing surface stayed at its original width, the lower part of the linings were tapered down, to reduce mass, and create a pleasant aesthetic.
The profile of a lining
While the glue was drying, I added a shellac seal-coat to the exterior surface of the soundboard, with a cottonball wrapped in a small piece of cloth.  This was done to protect the wood from any potential blemishing or discoloration from darker sawdust that it might come into contact with, or any other contaminants, between the point of application and the time of adding the final finish.

Applying the shellac seal-coat to the soundboard
Next, I had to fit the top.  I had to centre it with the fingerboard and tail strip, and then I made lines indicating where the braces needed to be cut, as they were longer than they needed to be, as was expected.  I sawed a little bit off of each brace, and fit it again.  I did this a couple times, to get it right.  Since the braces were now just sitting on top of the linings, I had to carve out a little recession in each lining to allow the braces to sit within them.  I did this with a chisel.  Once everything was fit properly, I did a dry clamp of the top, with a jig that Ned had kicking around.  It is made of MDF (medium-density fibreboard) with a fibrous barrier on one side, that was probably 4 inches thick.  This ensured that a soft
The clamping/gluing of the soundboard to
the top linings
 surface was pressing against the top, so as not to damage it.  The fibre compressed as the clamps were applied, and everything looked pretty good.  Once it was confirmed that the fit was right, I applied glue, and clamped it into place.  I waited 45 minutes or so, then unclamped to do more glue scraping.  I also had to trim off the excess of the soundboard's perimeter, as there was a safety margin of wood left on, which was, at that point, safe to remove.  This was probably a centimeter or two around the whole soundboard- I used a whittling knife, and a plane, mostly.  The cedar was quite soft, so these tools proved to be effective.

Using the drill press to bore holes in the bridge
The bridge, after the shellac seal-coat
The second pair of linings had to be added- this step was done in the same manner as the top linings-  bending, gluing, clamping, scraping, and carving.  While these dried, I drilled the 6 holes in my bridge, where the strings were to be tied on- for this step, I used a drill press.  After the holes were bored, I used some precision tools to clean up the "exit wounds."  Finally, I did a shellac seal coat on the bridge, which made it look really nice.  It darkened the rosewood, and added a nice sheen.

Additional pictures:

Some nice-looking shavings from the plane-
basswood intertwined with Indian rosewood
Here's a nice shot of the guitar coming together- I especially
like the shape of the heel block.

Me and my masterpiece :)

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